
Tuesday 21 August 2012

"Shri Sai Bhavani"

Glory to God! Glory to Lord Sai!
Savior of the world! We bow to thee!
Datta Digambar incarnation!
Lead us to the path of salvation!
Embodiment of Bramhachuta Shankar!
Comfort and solace to one who surrender!
Grant thy vision to let my eyes feast!
Remove our sins and make us blest!
Simple kafni was thy garment!
Tin pot, Zoli was thy ornament!
Thou appeared under holy neem tree!
Thou led the life of mendicant so holy!
Thou manifested in this painful kali age!
Thy grace relieves us from earthly bondage!
Blessed Shirdi was thy holy residence!
Thou are quintessence of all essences!
Thou are Trinity incarnate!
Thy grace won hearts of animate and inanimate!
Thy eyes showered love and comparison
Blest is mother Dwarakamayi!
She was the home of our Lord Sai!
Burnt were our sins and painful agony
In the sacred fire of Sai’s Dhuni!
My mind wavers like an ignorant lamb
Oh! Holy shepherd! Bestow us aplomb!
Thou art Ocean of mercy! Oh1 Sai!
Lakhs wait with hopes for Thee!
Blest was Agnihotri Mule shastry!
Elated with vision of Guru Gopalswamy!
Shama stung by venomous viper
Escaped death by Thy infinite power!
Force of Thy words could quell the storm
Thou art embodiment of peace and calm!
Thy act of grinding wheat was a panacea!
Shirdi was free of malignant cholera!
Oh! My Lord Sainath! I bow to Thee
I wallow in Thy lotus feet like a bee!
Thou listen to my prayer and fulfil my wish
Guide us to cross sorrows of worldly mesh!
Bhaktha Bhimaji suffered with severe malady
Tried all sorts of path for remedy
Nothing is better than Thy Udi so efficacious
Thy sacred Udi cured his tuberculosis!
Thou enthralled Kakaji with Vithal vision
Blest Kakaji glimpsed Vishnu’s manifestation!
Thou bestowed Damu with boon of progeny
Thy blessings surpass fate and destiny!
Merciful Lord! Shower us with mercy!
Ocean of Love! I offer obeisance to Thee!
We surrender our wealth, mind and body to Thee
Bless us with peace and salvation! Oh! Sai!
Ignorant Megha confused in casteism
Disturbed at the thought of praying to Muslim!
Thy grace made him to see Shiva in Thee
Thy love made him to become a true devotee!
Thou turned water to oil for illumination
Light of lamps burning the egos and illusion!
Thy wonderful miracle stunned the vendors
Left them speechless and bowed to thy grandeur!
Chand Patil searching for his lost mare
Found a gem in the form of a noble Fakir!
Blest are Thy devotees for whom Thou care!
Have faith in Sai with faith and patience!
Sing and praise glory to Sai with perseverance!
All our desires will be fulfilled by His grace
As our hearts hold His flower feet like a vase!
Thou repaid Bayaja Bai’s loving debt
Thy loving grace made him wake from deathbed!
When Tatya battled with life and death
Thou gifted him life and made him breathe!
Wild beasts too enjoyed Thy Benignity
Thou showered them love and pity!
Thou art Omni present! Thou art Omni Potent!
Thy devotees know Thou art Omniscient!
One who surrenders at Thy lotus Feet
Is ever assured of a life so sweet!
Thy nectar like sayings are priceless pearls
Protecting us like a mother Tortoise!
Thou art in every atom! Oh! Lord Sai!
Thy omni potence limits to infinity!
I blame myself for being full of ignorance
I lack expressions to praise Thy benevolence!
Thou art protector of helpless and poor!
Thou descended to earth to be our savior!
Have pity and mercy on me, Oh! Lord Sai!
Grant me, I may never be separated from Thee!
Let me praise Thy glory forever till my death
Let me sing Thy miracles till my last breath!
One who chants Thee with faith and patience
Is certain to attain peace and deliverance!
Sing Sai Bhavani with love and devotion
Bow to His feet and rest there with adoration!
Sai stands besides His loving devotee
To save him from trouble and calamity!
Devotion to Sai is the best solace
He is the God! Controller of the Universe!
One who has immense devotion and belief
Has nothing to grieve and assured of relief!
Sai’s benevolence extends to infinity
Sai is the reservoir of Tranquility!
Glory to Lord Sai, The incarnation of Trinity!
Bow to Lord Sai! Glory to God and Almighty!

Anata Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Para Brahma
Shri Satchit Ananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!
Shri Sainatharpanamastu! Shubam Bhavasthu!

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