
Monday 27 August 2012

Sai Baba's Miracles (Leelas)

Lighting lamps with water :
Long before Sai Baba's fame spread, he was fond of burning lights in his Masjid and other Temples. But for the oil needed in those little earthenware lights that he lit, he depended on the generosity of the grocers of Shirdi. He had made it a rule to light earthenware lamps in the masjid every evening and he would call on the grocers for small donations. But there came a time when the grocers got tired of giving oil free to Sai Baba and one day they bluntly refused to oblige him, saying they had no fresh stocks. Without a word of protest Sai Baba returned to the masjid. Into those earthenware lamps he poured water and lighted the wicks. The lamps continued to burn deep into the midnight. The matter came to the notice of the grocers who now came to Sai Baba with profuse apologies. Wouldn't Sai Baba kindly pardon them? Sai Baba pardoned them, but he warned them never to lie again. "You could have refused to give me the oil, but did you have to say that you didn't have fresh stocks?" he admonished them. But he had made his point. 

Premonition of burning fields :
Once, harvesting in Shirdi had been completed and the foodgrains of the entire village had been stored in a yard. The summer was on. The heat was intense as only those who have lived in Shirdi know. One afternoon Sai Baba summoned Kondaji Sutar and said to him: "Go, your field is on flrel" Frightened, Kondaji ran to his field and. frantically looked around for any sign of fire. There wasn't any. He returned to the masjid and informed Sai Baba that he had looked everywhere but had found no trace of fire and why did Baba have to frighten him? Unfazed, Baba said : "You better turn back and look again." Baba was right after all. Kondaji noticed that a sheaf of corn was indeed on fire and smoke was billowing from it. A strong wind was fanning the fire and word had gone round to the villagers who now came running to the scene. "Sai Baba," the people shouted "help us, help us put the fire out!" Thereupon, Sai Baba walked casually towards the yard, sprinkled some water on a stack of sheaves and said: " There now! The fire will die down!" And so it happened. 

Stopping the rain : There is the story of one Rao Bahadur Moreshwar Fradhan who had come to Shirdi to take Sai Baba's darshan along with his wife. As the couple were about to leave, it began to rain heavily. Thunder and lightning rent the air. As the Pradhan couple looked round in dismay, Sai Baba prayed. "Oh Allah!" he intoned, "let the rains cease. My children are going home. Let them go peacefully!" The storm thereupon ceased, the downpour reduced to slight drizzle and the Pradhans were able to reach their destination safely. 

Raising the water level in well:
When Sai Baba first came to Shirdi it had of no basic facilities. There was a well put only in name. It had no natural spring water and if ever there had been one, it must long ago have dried up. Water had to be fetched from a distance. When, therefore, Sai Baba gave his permission to the villagers to celebrate the Ram Navami Fair, (Baba's Birthday) the big problem facing the organizers was one of water supply. So What should they do but go to Sai Baba with their problem? "'Oh yes," said Sai Baba, 'so you want plenty of water, do you? Here, take this and drop it in the well and wait and see." "'This," turned up to be a platter of flowers on which some prasad (blessed food) had been placed along with the remnants of alms Baba had received earlier in the day. The villagers had no qualms about doing as they were did. Their faith in Sai Baba was total. No sooner had that platter of leaves been dropped in the well, it is said, water rose from the bottom as if by divine command and completely filled it. And great was the rejoicing of the people.

Saving a child from drowning:
One report has it that word had spread that the 3-year old daughter of a poor man called Babu Kirwandikar had fallen into the well and had been drowned. When the villagers rushed to the well they saw the child suspended in mid-air as if some invisible hand was holding her up! She was quickly pulled out. Sai Baba was fond of that child who was often heard to say : I am Baba's sister!" After this incident, the villagers took her at her word. "it is all Baba's Leela", the people would say philosophically. They could offer no other explanation. 

Flow of Godavari (river) from Baba's feet:
These were instances of things they had seen with their own eyes. It was not secondhand information they had gathered. Sai Baba was to them as real as their homes and their fields and their cattle and the distant hills.Das Ganu once had an unforgettable experience. On a festive occasion, he sought Baba's permission to go to a place called Singba on the banks of the Godavari to have a bath in the holy waters. "No," Baba replied resolutely, "where is the need to go all the way when the Godavari is here right at my feet?" Das Ganu was vexed. He was willing to concede that Ganga the holy river (Baba frequently referred to Godavari as Ganga) rose from the feet of Sri Narayana (one among the Hindu trinity of Gods) himself, but his faith was not deep enough to believe that the waters of the Godavari could spring form the feet of his master, Sri Sai. Baba who was reading Das Ganu's mind decided that this was the time to strengthen Das Ganu's faith. He told his devotee: "come closer to me and hold the hollow of your palms at my feet!". As soon as he did so water flowed freely out of the toes of the master's feet and filled the hollow of Das Ganu's palms in no time. His joy knew no limits. He sprinkled the water on his head and his body and distributed some more among the assembled devotees as tirtha (holy water).

Other miracles:
There was that other occasion when many thought that the masjid which housed Sai Baba itself would be consumed by fire from the flames which leapt up from the dhuni. All that Baba did was to take some swipes at a wooden pillar in front of him. With every blow the flames subsided and the fire died down. "Miraculous," said his devotees. Often they would notice him stirring some hot concotion over the kitchen fire, not with a ladle but with his bare hands. There never was a time when his hand was scalded. What supernatural powers did he have? On yet another occasion, Sai Baba was partaking of food with three of his devotees in the masjid when, without any cause for provocation, he exclaimed- "Stop!" Then, as if nothing had happened, the four continued with their meal. Lunch over and the dishes cleared, they stepped out of the masjid, when large chunks of the ceiling fell on the very spot where they had been seated only a few minutes earlier. Did Sai Baba's powers extend even to inanimate matter, the devotees wondered. Instances have been quoted by his devotees as to how Sai Baba commanded the rains to stop and the winds to cease.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Saying of Sai Baba :

"Its not people who comes to see me and follow me by being an devotee, Its me who choose good souls and pull them to me like a sparrow tied to thread. "

The infinite power of healing is in your own mind :

The infinite power of healing is in your own mind :
The feeling of pain is an expression of your mind.When a person is suffering in severe health problems his enemie is "fear" of not being able to get cured, worries about his family and career being effected and financial problems. Once they over come fear and worries , their faith becomes pure love that they show on God and shirdi saibaba. This invisible thing called love deviates mind from pain and takes them to a better state of living....
Living in confidence that they will be healthy in the days to come
Living with Trust that their Guru shirdi sai will surely heal their pains
Living with a support. Support of Guru .Trusting sai from the bottom of heart that he will surely protect them forever.
Living with whole hearted belief that sai has powers to cure their disease and make them healthy someday.
Leave all your worries, family , career problems in the feets of sai. Don't mind what your friends and relatives are speaking about your faith on sai. You just learn to love sai whole heartedly. Fill your mind with sai sai sai , remember sai every minute , read and assimilate his stories. This way when you fill your mind with shirdi sais thoughts , sai will reside in your own mind .What more you need when a saint who has all siddis with his lives in your own mind. Sais presence in your mind is the infinte power of healing. sai will bless you with good health.

Some characteristics of Sai Baba's miracles

Baba knew details of every one coming to Him, the details that happened in their life and details of what they had thought of in past or were thinking in present. This happened every day, with many. So a book is required to record them all.

Healing : Sai Baba used to take ailments and physical sufferings on to His body
. Number of incident have been recorded where a devotee (or a near relative) would have high fever. Sai Baba's body would become hot with fever, and tremble as it happens with a fever patient. After few minutes Sai Baba would become normal and so would be the devotee. Same as fever other ailments like huge boil on the body would appear on Sai Baba body, same size and same place the devotee would be suffering. The devotee would be free from the ailment after the same. Sai Baba used to say and to His near devotees still listen and feel it, "I take upon the troubles and ailments of my devotees on myself." Such is the love of Guru Sai Baba. For the devotees who feels his grace He is not God. He is a loving companion. A Father, A Mother, A Friend, A God who can be worshiped, and much much more. It would be better to call Sai Baba of Shirdi as love incarnate. There are many miracles where devotees got free from stubborn diseases and ailments. One such miracle of curing stubborn disease.

Another miracle deals with His sacred and divine presence
. Devotees who saw Sai Baba would feel drawn towards His love and compassion. The love and compassion would be felt too much for them. The mind would be filled with unknown love and easiness and joy. Eyes would flow with tears unkown. Hair on the body would stand on their end. Overall the experience cannot be put in words, those who feels knows. Nobody can describe love. It has to be felt and lived. Same is true for divine love and sacred experience.

Sai Baba appears in Physical form to His devotees
. There are many records where a devotee far away from Shirdi would see Sai Baba appearing, talking and guiding. This happens even after Sai Baba leaving His physical body (MahaSamadhi). Same as described about in dreams there are records of Sai Baba appearing in physical form also happens with those who have never heard of Sai Baba of Shirdi.

Sai Baba when was in physical body would sometime shout and scream in Dwarkamai. To the newly onlooker it was just crazy, mad ! Why is the holy man shouting or screaming. It was out His immense love. Would you believe
this amazing miracle with Capt. Jahanghir F. Daruwala which happened during world war 1. Well it happened.

Miracle of progeny
. Sai Baba was and is known for helping His devotees looking for offspring. There are many incidents that narrates how the parents wishing to have children but were deprived of due to medical reasons. Two miracles in the early days of Shirdi changed the peoples view towards the mad Sufi Fakir, called Sai Baba. Other one after the lighting the lamps with oil was a close devotee who did not had children prayed to Baba for having the children. Soon after devotees wife got pregnant and gave birth to a child. Even these days so many devotees visit the holy shrine of Sai Baba (Sai Baba Mandir, Samadhi Temple) in Shirdi for the same and get positive results.

Sai Baba in dreams
. One more characteristic of Sai Baba is appearance in dreams of various devotees. Records shows that so many devotees who had never seen or herd of Sai Baba, first had a vision of Sai Baba in dreams and than after some more or less time sees the Picture of Sai Baba and realized, hey this is the same saint with kerchief on His head who appeared in my dreams. Amazing isn't it.

Miracles of Shirdi Baba in Dwarkamai

Dwarkamai was old and neglected building until Sai Baba chose to make it a place to settle down in Shirdi. Once Sai Baba was eating with fellow devotees. In the noon time few devotees would eat their meal with Sai Baba. When the lunch was being eaten, from the roof of the old building cracking sound was herd. Every one knew that the slab would come crashing down. Some of devotees took to their heals fearing of getting being crushed under the rubble of the collapsed roof.

Sai Baba in the thundering voice called out wait, and continued to eat the afternoon meal. The close devotees who had Faith (Shraddha) in Sai Baba also continued to eat their meal along with Shri Sai Baba. After the meal was complete and every one came out to the safer place. Sai Baba said "Now you may fall", and the roof came crashing down. This is just one of many many miracles that happened in Shirdi.

In fact before Sai Baba's miraculous powers were revealed, He was considered a mad Muslim Fakir (Sufi) by most of the devotees. A mad beggar who begged for the food, smoked chillum (an earthen pipe used in India, which is filled with tobacco or other substances) and looked unconcerned with society in general.

Two miracles changed the attitude of the villagers residing in Shirdi. The mad Fakir (Sufi Beggar) used to beg also for oil. He loved to light oil lamps with
wicks in Masjid. Another of His act that would make him look mad. The oil was begged from the local shops which used to sell oil. Some how it was conspired with all the shopkeepers (known as Telis , who owned small local oil mills) that the mad Fakir has to be denied with the free oil, which he burns in the Masjid.

So it happened. One day out of conspiracy all the Telis (oil man) denied to give oil to the mad Fakir. The mad Fakir looked unperturbed and returned to Masjid (Dwarkamai). Those who conspired wanted to have some fun at the expense of Mad Fakir. They stealthily followed the Fakir. Hidden at a distance they watched what the Fakir would do.

What happened changed the way they looked at the Fakir. Fakir known as Sai Baba, drank some water and spit the same in the container in which he used to beg for oil. He poured the water from it in the earthen lamps. To the conspirators it was still the pleasure to watch a mad man, trying to light lamp with water. The fakir lighted the lamps which remained burning all night long.

This was the incident when the villagers came to know that the Fakir, an ordinary beggar was no ordinary man. He was gifted with some great mystical powers.

The above two miracles shows Sai Baba's power and command over the material elements. This are recorded too many. All the stories with miracles will be link listed below this post. However it was the other miracle that begin to draw the devotees to Sai Baba. The miracles that were filled with love and compassion. People came to knew about the a Saint called Sai Baba who had miraculous powers.

But miraculous powers can attract the mind only as an amusement. It was this characteristic of the mind which was used by Sai Baba to attract people. Once they came near Him, they found a loving, full of compassion
Baba (Father). Sai Baba was and is a loving companion who takes care of all His devotees. His presence is felt too strongly in good times as well as bad times. That's why most devotees while speaking of Sai Baba, uses the word Baba

A companion that joked and laughed with his devotees in spite of His sacred presence and overwhelming miraculous and spiritual powers. To record his miracles in a post is impossible task. In fact most of the stories and experiences of devotees covers some sort of miracle.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Sai Baba’s 11 Promises

• No harm shall befall him who sets his foot on the soil of Shirdi.
• He who cometh to My Samadhi, his sorrow and suffering shall cease.
• Though I be no more in flesh and blood, I shall ever protect My devotees.
• Trust in Me and your prayer shall be answered.
• Know that My Spirit is immortal. Know this for yourself.
• Show unto Me he who sought refuge and been turned away.
• In whatever faith men worship Me, even so do I render to them.
• Not in vain is My Promise that I shall ever lighten your burden.
• Knock, and the door shall open. Ask and ye shall be granted.
• To him who surrenders unto Me totally I shall be ever indebted.
• Blessed is he who has become one with Me.

Sai Baba Arati Translation (English)

Oh Sai Baba, we wave lights before You, the bestower of happiness to the Jivas. Give us - Your servants and devotees rest under the dust of Your feet. Burning (destroying) desire, You remain absorbed in Your Self and show the Lord (God) to the aspirants. As one feels intently, You give him experiences or realizations accordingly. Oh kind-hearted, Your power is such! Meditation on Your name removes our fear of the samsar. Your method of work is really unfathomable as You always help the poor and helpless. In this Kali age, You - the all-pervasive Datta, have really incarnated as Saguna Brahma. Ward off the fear of samsar of the devotees who come to You every Thursday so as to enable them to see the feet of the Lord. Oh! God of Gods, I pray that let my treasure be the service of Your feet. Feed Madhav and (you should utter your name here) with happiness as the cloud feeds the Chatak bird with pure water and thus keep up Your Word. Amen !

Shri Sai Baba Arati (English)

Arti sai baba, soukhya datar jeeva
Charan rajatali, dhyava dasa visawa, bhakta visawa – arati Sai Baba
Jaya mani jaisa bhav, taya taisa anubhav
Davisi dayadhana, aisee tujhee hi mav – arati Sai Baba
Tumche nam dhyata, hare sansrity vyatha
Agaadh tav karni, marga davisi anantha – arati Sai Baba
Kaliyugi avatar, sagun brahma sachar
Avteerna jhalase, swami datta digambar – arati Sai Baba
Atha divasa guruwari, bhakta kariti wari
Prabhupad pahawaya, bhav bhav niwari – arati Sai Baba
Majha nijdravya theva,tav charanraj seva
Magane hechi ata, tumha deva dhideva – arati Sai Baba
Ichhit din chatak, nirmal toy nij sukh
Pajave madhava ya, sambhal apuli bhak – arati Sai Baba.. soukhya datar jeeva.